Editorially Yours


Michele Pesula Kuegler is the founder of PeKu Publications and chief foodie at Think Tasty. She runs this one-woman show focusing on creating new recipes to delight her family, friends, and herself.

Long Weekends. . .

by Michele Pesula Kuegler on June 2nd, 2011

Long weekends seem to be one of those things that most people can agree upon: they’re quite enjoyable.  While it may not be a day off for everyone (yours truly included), it does tend to confuse our schedules for the rest of the week.  Multiple times this week I’ve found myself thinking it was a different day than it actually was.  So, while Friday will arrive delightfully early this week, it does make the other days a little harder to keep track of.

That being said, Editorially Yours is a day behind this week, as there were still as many meetings and projects to fit into the slightly shortened week.  So, to keep this simple, I’d like to share a few articles of note from this week.


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