Editorially Yours


Michele Pesula Kuegler is the founder of PeKu Publications and chief foodie at Think Tasty. She runs this one-woman show focusing on creating new recipes to delight her family, friends, and herself.

Just Keep Writing, Just Keep Writing

by Michele Pesula Kuegler on July 21st, 2014

writingWhenever I tell the story of how PeKu Publications began, I share three of my passions: cooking, editing, and writing.  These still are three things which I enjoy very much.  Cooking is integral to my life.  It is one of my favorite ways to give of myself to others, whether it be by inviting someone for dinner, making special treats for my children, or planning a weeknight meal.  I adore thinking about and working with food.  Editing is almost a hobby for me.  Whether reading road signs while driving, reviewing a menu at a restaurant, or any other text-based activity, I think about the grammar.  If I see I mistake, I mentally envision the correction.  Writing is the activity that I have been neglecting.

Over the past six years I have drastically reduced the amount of writing that I complete for PeKu.  This is a very good thing.  As the CEO of PeKu, I shouldn’t be doing the bulk of the writing. That is what my writing team is for.  I need to focus on the future growth of this company.  However, I had forgotten to take time just to write for myself.  I always have written.  From the time I could write sentences, I have kept journals, scratched out poems, mentally planned short stories.  I haven’t partaken in these activities in ages. I have never been at a stage in my writing where I needed a Query letter review, but I think that writing these blog posts have given me a vital writing outlet.

However, my oldest son left for the Air Force Academy three weeks ago.  When he reported for Basic Cadet Training, all technological communication was stopped.  Knowing that he would be homesick and adjusting to a different lifestyle, I began writing and mailing letters before he left in the hopes that he would receive them soon after arriving.  Writing these letters that are filled with amusing stories about his pet gecko, exciting or depressing Red Sox scores, and interesting family updates has reminded me how good it is to write.

Although at some point during this academic year he is most likely to be given his phone again, I plan to continue writing.  While I may switch to email for quicker transfer of information, I think that the updates on home will be good for both of us. I also may return to journaling on paper just for myself. It has felt good to put pen to paper.

Yes. Just keep writing. Just keep writing. Just keep writing, writing, writing.

(Apologies to Dory and Disney for editing their script.)


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